
Happy Tails | Bella

Every single animal that comes through our shelter has a story. Some are complex, many are sad, but all of them get better the minute they arrive at the Virginia Beach SPCA. Bella came to the VBSPCA in July 2020 through our transfer partners in St. Charles Parrish, Louisiana. When they found her, she was missing a paw and heartworm positive. She needed serious medical care before she could find a home.

Once Bella arrived at the VBSPCA, our veterinarians determined that she would need to have her rear right leg amputated. After recovering from her heartworm treatment and leg surgery in a foster home, Bella found her forever home with Tricia in December 2020. We recently checked in with Tricia to see how Bella is doing now.  

How did you find Bella?

I found Bella on the VBSPCA website. I read the description and had to meet her. I wasn’t really planning on adopting another dog but something told me that she was going to be hard to resist, and I was right.

How is Bella doing in the home?

Bella is doing awesome in the home, fitting in well with the routine and her two dog sisters, Peanut and Penny. Penny is also a shelter dog from the Elizabeth City SPCA. They are both younger than Bella, but she has equal – if not more – energy and enthusiasm.

What sort of activities do you and Bella do together?

Bella enjoys running outside in the backyard, digging for grubs, chasing her sisters, and has also learned that naps are great! She enjoys eating whipped cream from the can and knows when someone is in the kitchen, she’s bound to get a treat.

Does Bella have any funny quirks?

Bella does not like to get in her kennel for bedtime. She will run on the couch and curl up into a ball, it’s the cutest thing.

Why do you think people should consider adopting a pet from a shelter?

I think all people should seriously think about adopting a shelter dog. They can bring so much joy, companionship, and entertainment. I’m always laughing at my crazy rescue dogs. I whisper in their ears how much I love them and how good they are. I can’t imagine what I would be doing without these pups.

What would you tell someone who is considering adopting an animal with special needs?

I would encourage anyone who may be looking to adopt a dog with special needs to go for it. It’s such a blessing and you will feel great with all the love that dog will give back to you. I look into Bella’s eyes and I see how grateful she is. She gives me lots of kisses daily to thank me for giving a three-legged dog a chance; a chance to prove that she’s just as awesome as any four-legged dog.

Separation Anxiety | How To Help Pets Cope

While the COVID-19 pandemic brought a multitude of challenges for humans, many pets benefitted from the changes to all of our lives. With the rise of teleworking, virtual learning, and a lack of social engagements and travel plans, animals had more time than ever with their pet parents.

Many people have returned to the office and started socializing more often. However, our return to “normalcy” can be hard for many dogs and cats who may experience separation anxiety. But with some planning and training, you can help your pets cope with these changes.

What is Separation Anxiety?
Separation anxiety is when an animal becomes stressed or upset when not in the presence of his pet parent(s). While this condition is more often associated with dogs, cats can also experience separation anxiety. The signs of separation anxiety can range from mild to severe and even dangerous. Signs of separation anxiety include:

  • Going to the bathroom in the house/outside the litterbox
  • Barking, howling, meowing, or crying
  • Chewing, digging, destroying things
  • Pacing
  • Excessive grooming
  • Attempting to escape home or area in which the pet is confined by chewing or digging at doors/windows

Separation anxiety can be triggered by changes in routine, moving to a new residence, being abandoned or surrendered for adoption, or changes in household membership due to life events such as divorce, the death of a family member, or an adult child moving out of the home.

Preventing Problems
Even if your pet has not experienced separation anxiety in the past, it is important to prepare them for upcoming changes like returning to the office or leaving for vacation. Here are a few ideas to prevent stress in your pets:

  • Break up your routine. Most people are creatures of habit. Pay close attention to what you normally do before you leave the house and try not to follow the exact same sequence every time. For example, you usually pack your lunch, put on your socks and shoes, and then gather your purse/wallet/coat right before walking out the door. Try doing those things in a different order, or taking breaks in between each action so your pet is less likely to anticipate your next move. You can also do things like picking up your keys on your day off and going to the door but not actually leaving. Your pet will learn that keys don’t always mean they’re about to be alone.
  • Gradually increase the amount of time you’re away. If possible, start leaving your pet for short periods of time now. Run an errand or take a walk around the block without your pet so he can get used to you not being with him. This will avoid an abrupt shift from being with your pet 24/7 to being gone for 9-10 hours at one time.
  • Keep arrivals and departures calm. While there is nothing like a happy welcome from your pet after a long day, don’t make a big deal of your comings and goings. Extended goodbyes and very excited homecomings only increase separation anxiety.
  • Keep your pet busy. Providing things for your pet to do both when you are home and when you are gone is very important. Go for walks and play with your pet to help him get some of his energy out when you are together. Provide mentally stimulating toys like puzzle feeders when your pet will be alone. Some pets even enjoy having music or the television on while you are gone.

Seek Solutions
Some pets may still experience separation anxiety despite your best efforts. While some of their behaviors due to their anxiety may frustrate you, it is important to seek solutions instead of punishing them. Consult with your veterinarian if you feel you need help. There are medications and supplements that can help severe cases of separation anxiety. You can also reach out to a qualified trainer who can provide expert advice specific to your pet.

Remember, your pet loves you and is happiest when he can spend time with you. By setting him up for success and helping him to realize you will always return home, you can help your pet become confident and happy even when you are not around.

Need more information? Click here for additional information on separation anxiety from the ASPCA.

Trish Blue | In Service to the VBSPCA for 15+ Years

For more than 15 years, Trish Blue has served on the VBSPCA Board of Directors. “I wanted to support an organization with a mission that I was passionate about,” she says.

With over 20 years experience as a CPA, Blue provides financial guidance to the VBSPCA. She is currently a director of assurance services for Cherry Bekaert in Virginia Beach, where she focuses on audits for real estate entities, nonprofit organizations, and employee benefit plans. She lives in Virginia Beach with her Chesapeake Bay Retriever.

Blue is most passionate about finding homes for shelter animals and educating the community on how to be responsible pet parents. However, she encourages everyone to get involved in the VBSPCA’s mission in any way they can. Her advice: “Find the one area [of the mission] you are most passionate about to become involved in, whether that be volunteering time in our kennels, attending our fundraising events, joining the board, or, if your time is limited, donate!”

The VBSPCA cannot work towards eliminating animal suffering without the support of dedicated community members like Blue. We truly appreciate all she does for our animals!

If you are interested in serving on the Virginia Beach SPCA Board of Directors, please email Derby.Brackett@vbspca.com for more information.

The Virginia Beach SPCA Receives $115K In Grant Funding from the Hampton Roads Community Foundation

We are very excited to announce that the Virginia Beach SPCA has received a substantial grant of $115,000 from the Alfred L. Nicholson Fund of the Hampton Roads Community Foundation. The majority of the grant funding will cover capital improvements with additional funding to aid in COVID-19 relief. The VBSPCA has been receiving grant funding from the HRCF since 2010, and their continued support has had a significant impact on our organization, ultimately improving our facility and our ability to provide compassionate care to both shelter and public animal populations. The Hampton Roads Community Foundation is southeastern Virginia’s largest grant and scholarship provider. Since its founding in 1950, the regional community foundation has provided more than $300 million in grants and scholarships to improve life in our local communities. 

The funds awarded to the Virginia Beach SPCA in 2021 will be used to make necessary improvements throughout the shelter and clinic, including a major upgrade to our server and clinic software as well as new lighting in our parking lot to improve safety on our property. Most importantly, the funds will help decrease the stress levels for our animals through the installation of sound absorbent acoustical tiles in our kennel and lobby and the addition of a divider wall in our kennel. Improvements will also be made to our doors to minimize the sound that travels from the kennel to the cattery, decreasing the stress levels in our feline residents. We are part way through the completion of these projects and look forward to full completion later this summer. 

Alfred L. Nicholson served on the boards of area animal shelters and owned the Canine Country Club in Virginia Beach. Nicholson, who was nicknamed Captain Nick, died in 1997 at age 93. His bequest created a field-of-interest fund at the Hampton Roads Community Foundation that will forever help animals in need. “The Alfred L. Nicholson Fund provides the VBSPCA the opportunity to care for animals until they find their forever homes,” said Linda Rice, Vice President for Grantmaking. “The community foundation applauds area shelters that show compassion for the welfare of the region’s vulnerable animals.”



Happy Tails – Apollo & Neptune

Every single animal that comes through our shelter has a story. Some are complex, many are sad, but all of them get better the minute they arrive at the Virginia Beach SPCA. Apollo and Neptune came to our shelter in November 2019 when their owner could no longer take care of them. The cats were very attached to each other and needed to go to a new home together. About a month later, Sylvie and her three teenagers met the pair and fell in love. We recently caught up with Sylvie to check in on Apollo and Neptune.

How did Apollo and Neptune come into your life?

My teenage daughter was battling depression pretty hard last winter. One morning we decided we were going to go get a cat. We looked around the VBSPCA at all the gorgeous cats, but we loved the way Apollo and Neptune were bonded to each other. We also liked that they looked so different from each other.

How are your cats doing in the home?

It’s their home now; they just let us live here. I have invested in two air purifiers and a Roomba, though.

What do the cats like to do at home?

They chase each other down the hall at quite a gallop. Whenever anyone witnesses their charging down the hall, they’re very surprised at how loud and fast they are. That’s my cue to say: “Ladies and gentlemen, the miniature horses of Catalina Island!” They really do sound like little horses.

How have they enriched your life?

I cannot believe I used to live alone. My three teenagers live with me part-time, so they’re here some days, but I can’t imagine ever coming home to an empty apartment, especially during this past year. The term “emotional support animal” shouldn’t just apply to a particular animal; they’re all emotional support animals as far as I’m concerned (and almost all of us could benefit).

Why do you think people should consider adopting a pet from a shelter?

Cats are easy because they like to do their own thing most of the time, but I do spend a lot of my time during the day taking pictures of my cats; they’re always doing something cute or funny. I like that I was able to choose two cats that get along so well already – and also knew how to use the litter box. There are so many gorgeous pets who need homes. It’s a great feeling to be able to provide one.

Pet Dental Health | Why Exams are So Important

Just like humans, dental health is extremely important for dogs and cats. Yet dental disease is all too common – it is the number one illness affecting pets. Maintaining healthy teeth and gums can prevent Periodontal disease, which is linked to other health problems including kidney, liver, and heart disease. To make sure you’re taking the best care of your feline or canine companion, here are some things you can do to ensure that dental health remains a top priority.

Yearly Exam
Dogs and cats should have their teeth and gums examined by a veterinarian once a year. Veterinarians will check your pet for broken teeth or roots, periodontal disease, abscesses or infected teeth, and other dental issues.

Watch for Signs of Trouble
There are several warning signs of dental problems. If you notice any of the following, you should visit your veterinarian:

  • Bad Breath
  • Broken or Loose Teeth
  • Discolored Teeth
  • Tartar Buildup
  • Pain, Swelling, or Bleeding in/around Mouth
  • Reduced Interest in Food or Refusal to Eat

Dental Surgery
If your veterinarian notices any issues with your pet’s teeth, they will recommend dental surgery. Dental surgeries include a thorough cleaning as well as any other necessary procedure such as extractions and/or filings. The veterinarian will take x-rays before the surgery begins to get a better picture of your pet’s dental health. Your pet will be placed under anesthesia during the dental procedure to minimize stress and pain. Most pets can go home the same day of their surgery and will just be a little groggy afterwards.

The American Veterinary Medical Association also recommends brushing your pet’s teeth at least a few times per week at home, but some dogs or cats may not be tolerant of this practice even with training. There are various dental products, treats, and diets you can try, however, you should always consult your veterinarian about what is appropriate for your pet.

Prevention and treatment of dental disease are key. In fact, pets that receive good dental care live 20% longer! Talk with your veterinarian about what you can do to improve your pet’s dental health.

Todd Eichman | In Service to the VBSPCA for 25+ Years

Todd Eichman has been serving on the Virginia Beach SPCA Board of Directors for over 25 years. “I have had an affinity for animals since I was very young,” he says. “We always had dogs and cats in the house, and the ability to help speak for those who can’t drew me to help the VBSPCA.”

As an experienced CPA and CFP, Eichman shares his financial expertise with the VBSPCA. He is currently a partner with Sterling Benefits, LLC in Virginia Beach, where he assists small businesses and individuals with retirement planning. Prior to that, Eichman spent 11 tax seasons at a large accounting firm. He lives in Suffolk with his wife, two daughters, two cats, and a cockatiel.

Eichman is a strong advocate for the VBSPCA’s spaying and neutering services, which he believes have had a major impact on the number of unwanted animals in our community. “We have spayed and neutered thousands upon thousands of animals during my tenure on the board and I can’t imagine where we would be as a community without [those services],” he says.

Eichman not only contributes to the VBSPCA mission by sharing his financial guidance, but through his hopeful outlook on animal welfare as well. His words of advice to the public? “Everyone should visit the shelter – it is not a sad or depressing place – it is a place of hope! Find somewhere in the organization where you can donate money or time and see what happens!” Todd, we so appreciate your many years of dedicated service to our animals!

If you are interested in serving on the Virginia Beach SPCA Board of Directors, please email Derby.Brackett@vbspca.com for more information.

Happy Tails | Leroy

Every single animal that comes through our shelter has a story. Some are complex, many are sad, but all of them get better the minute they arrive at the Virginia Beach SPCA. Leroy came to the shelter when his family was moving and couldn’t take him with them. For Tasha, it was love at first sight – she saw him on our website and was immediately smitten. Once Tasha and Leroy met in July 2017, there was no turning back.

How did you find Leroy and/or how did you know Leroy was the one for you?

About two years prior, my dog passed away. I was starting to get the itch for a new bud and I started checking the VBSPCA webpage every few weeks. I figured Leroy would be scooped up immediately, but when I called they told me he had a cough and was not taking visitors. I waited the seven days and visited him the day he was “released”. The first thing I noticed was his energy. I went back the next day and took him outside with the tennis ball and never looked back.

How is Leroy doing in the home? 

Leroy has been the PERFECT dog since day one. Crate trained, well behaved, fun, snuggly. He’s the epitome of a little best bud.

What sort of activities do you and Leroy do together? 

Leroy has a TON of energy. We run and walk A LOT. His favorites include: car rides, trail runs at First Landing, chasing the ball for hours, swimming, and snuggling. Whenever we go on an adventure, Leroy comes too!

Does Leroy have any funny quirks? 

Leroy’s best quirk is his need to snuggle CLOSELY and UNDER the covers. If there’s a blanket on the couch, he will get himself positioned just right under it. When we let him on the bed, he will inch his way under all of the bedding. He must be as close as possible at all times.

Why do you think people should consider adopting a pet from a shelter? 

There are SO many amazing dogs just waiting to be taken home and loved. Our shelter dog has changed our life just as much as we changed his. Adopt before you shop!


Building Trust – Keeping Kids and Pets Safe

The home should be a safe environment for everyone, including children and pets. Whether you’re welcoming a new baby, adopting a new pet, or having young visitors in your home, it can take some time for everyone to adjust. By being proactive you can create a harmonious environment for humans and animals alike.

For the Kids:

  • Monitor children and pets who don’t know one another. Introductions should always be done under close adult supervision. Make sure your child knows to ask an adult for permission before approaching or touching any animal they don’t know.
  • Teach kindness and respect. Simple things like showing children how and where to pet the animal, letting them know that animals have feelings, and asking them to not to touch your pet’s food or toys can go a long way.
  • Talk about how animals communicate. Let your child know that if your cat or dog is growling, hissing, cowering, or trying to get away from them, they need to leave the animal alone.

For the Pets:

  • Create safe zones for your pet. Make sure your pet has a place to eat and an area to sleep and relax where children know he should not be bothered.
  • Allow your pet to decide whether to interact with children. Some animals are leery of kids since they tend to move fast and can be noisy. If their go-to response is avoidance, respect your pet’s wishes and try to create trust between the pet and the child over time.
  • Intervene when play gets out of control. It doesn’t matter if it’s a child or a pet who gets a little too rambunctious – quickly calm the situation down so no one gets hurt.

Interactions with pets and other animals can be very beneficial to children. Caring for a pet can teach children empathy, kindness, and responsibility. Pets also provide companionship and even boost confidence and lower stress levels! By setting your children and your pets up for success, everyone will be able to enjoy their time together safely.

To learn about our humane education programs visit vbspca.com/education.

Selecting Safe Pet Toys For Your Furry Friends

Most animal lovers enjoy spoiling our pets with love and toys. If you’re shopping for your furry friend, you are not alone – pet products continue to grow in popularity in the US and around the world. The good news is there are plenty of options when it comes to entertaining your pet. But while it can be fun to pick the cutest or silliest toy you can find, it is important to consider your pet’s safety when you are buying toys.

Size Matters
When you are buying toys for your pet, be sure to think about the size of your animal. Small toys can be a choking hazard for larger pets, and large toys may be hard for a smaller pet to carry around.

Look Closely
Even appropriately sized pet toys can be hazardous because of the way they are made. Common hazards include “eyes” on soft toys, strings, ribbons, or any part of a toy that can easily be chewed off and ingested. 

When in Doubt, Test it Out
Whenever possible, it is a good idea to supervise your pet with new toys. You’ll quickly realize whether your dog has a tendency to tear the stuffing out of soft toys and eat it or your cat often gets string or feathers stuck in his mouth. You may find that you have two categories of toys in your home: ones that can be left for your pet to play with at any time, and others that are put away and only used when under your close supervision to prevent any safety issues.

Choose Your Chews Wisely
Dogs naturally like to chew, but edible chews can be extremely dangerous. As your pup chews off pieces of the treat, it can get lodged in his throat or digestive tract. Carefully choose the size and shape of any edible chew, and only let your pet have it when you can watch them. 

If you’re looking for something you can leave with your pets when you are not home, treat-dispensing toys can be a great option. You may also want to consider chew toys made of hard rubber, which are much less likely to become a choking hazard.

By thinking through your pet’s play behaviors and closely looking at the toys you buy, you’ll be able to enjoy playtime and worry less about unexpected trips to the veterinarian.