
Meet VBSPCA Board Member Peyton Hoffler

Peyton Hoffler is no stranger to animal shelters. She started volunteering when she was in high school and eventually worked as a sales representative/adoption coordinator at a dog rescue in Los Angeles. Now she is taking on a new role in animal welfare: serving on the Virginia Beach SPCA’s Board of Directors.

“I have always enjoyed being hands on helping the animals, and now I am at a point in my life where I can also be a financial support and help with creative fundraising ideas,” Hoffler said.

Additionally, Hoffler has experience working in the service and mortgage industries. While her focus now lies on starting a family, she makes sure to carve out time for her two passions: philanthropy and art.

“My goal in life is to do my best to even play a small role in eliminating animal suffering, and to do that you have to work to increase human compassion for animals,” said Hoffler. “We have to help the ones that can’t help themselves.”

Hoffler champions the many ways the community can get involved with the VBSPCA. From events to volunteer opportunities, she spreads the word to help us connect people and pets. “Helping animals and people is what makes me the happiest,” she explained.

We are happy to welcome Hoffler to the VBSPCA Board of Directors. It takes involvement from caring people in our community to make a difference in the lives of homeless animals!

If you are interested in serving on the Virginia Beach SPCA Board of Directors, please email Derby.Brackett@vbspca.com for more information.

Happy Tails | Basil

Every single animal that comes through our shelter has a story. Some are complex, many are sad, but all of them get better the minute they arrive at the Virginia Beach SPCA. Basil came to the VBSPCA in March 2022 when her previous owner could no longer care for her. The one year old rabbit has a very spirited personality and was in need of a rabbit-savvy family. Basil was bullied by another rabbit in her previous home, so she would also need slow introductions to any resident bunnies.

Month after month, Basil waited for her forever home. More than seven months later, her adoption dreams finally came true on October 23, 2022. We recently caught up with Basil’s adopter, Stephi, to get an update on how the feisty little rabbit is doing now.

How did you find Basil?

I had been sort of browsing local shelters for another rabbit because we had Brooklyn (our other rabbit) and were worried she was lonely at home by herself all day. When we went to visit with Basil she was a bit spicy and vocal, but she did let my husband pet her and calmed down, so I thought she would be a good fit for us and our other bunny. Since she had been at the shelter for a while, we figured she would mellow in a quieter home setting.

How is Basil doing in the home?

She is still spicy and very opinionated about when is a good time to get loved on and fed. Her and Brooklyn have some moments, but for the most part they lay together and eat together. We’re hoping they will be able to meet, without fences, by mid-January. I do think they both enjoy having a fellow rabbit to hang out with.

What sort of activities do you do together?

We let the girls each have time in the living room in the evenings when we are home. Basil is still exploring that space and will occasionally get the “binkys” (happy bunny jumps and runs) and zoom all over.

Does Basil have any funny quirks?

She is not a good hound like our other girl but is slowly learning to enjoy fresh greens (kale is her favorite) and now stares at us when she hears the treat jar rattling. So far there’s only one treat she likes, apple cookies, but she does enjoy the occasional cherry tomato!

In the morning she will come to the edge of the fence and “loaf up” (sit in a ball) and wait for a pet.

How has Basil enriched your lives so far?

We’ve enjoyed her different personality. Our other girl is very sweet and wants to be the center of attention all the time, but Basil stays more to herself. When she asks for attention, it’s more special.

Why do you think people should consider adopting a shelter pet?

Shelter pet or not, all animals have quirks. It doesn’t make them bad or not worthy of understanding. There’s so much reward in taking in a pet with quirks and getting over hurdles with them. I can’t recommend adopting a rabbit enough, they are amazing pets for busy families and so fun!

Happy Tails | Poppy

Every single animal that comes through our shelter has a story. Some are complex, many are sad, but all of them get better the minute they arrive at the Virginia Beach SPCA. Poppy and her five young kittens were transferred to the VBSPCA from another local shelter in May 2022. The feline family was placed in a foster home until Poppy was finished with her motherly duties. Poppy was a little shy when she arrived at the shelter for the adoption process, but it didn’t take long for Ashlyn and her boyfriend, Tanner, to notice her. We recently caught up with Ashlyn to hear the rest of Poppy’s adoption story.

When did you adopt Poppy? 

We adopted Poppy on June 24, 2022. 

How did you know Poppy was the one for you?

We had a long conversation about adopting a cat. Tanner has always been a cat person, and we talked a lot about the benefits of bringing another pet into our home. When we walked through the VBSPCA, Tanner encouraged us to take a look at the older cats as opposed to the kittens. Poppy immediately caught our eye. I insisted that I wanted an orange cat, and she was absolutely perfect.

How is Poppy doing in the home?

Poppy has adjusted beautifully to our home. Within her first week, she was roaming freely without fear, which made us so incredibly happy. Aurora, her Goldendoodle sister, has been obsessed with her since the moment we brought her through the door, and Poppy returns the love.

Her personality is really shining through. I never knew cats wanted to play so very much. She has a favorite toy that she is always herding us towards. When she’s not playing with her favorite toy, she entertains herself by running back and forth throughout the house – oftentimes accompanied by her sister.

Does Poppy have any funny quirks?

She finds the most interesting places to take a nap. Currently, as we have been decorating for the holidays, her new favorite napping spot is right on top of the ornament box. 

How has Poppy enriched your lives so far? 

Poppy has brought so much love and joy into our lives. Having her jump up into your lap to snuggle down makes you feel like the most special person in the world. Seeing her in her life now, it is hard to imagine the tough start she had. The tiny, young mama that we first brought home is almost unrecognizable to us now.

Poppy brings so much to our family and we truly feel complete. We are constantly thankful that she caught our eye that day in the shelter. As timid as she seemed initially, we knew immediately that she needed to come home with us. She is a forever member of our family and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Why do you think people should consider adopting a shelter pet?

Shelter pets quickly become your pet. They become a part of your family. If you’re considering adopting a pet, I strongly encourage you to just walk through the shelter and take a look. I can guarantee that you will find your new family member here.

Meet VBSPCA Board Member Mario Lorello

Serving the community has always been important to Mario Lorello, who worked as an Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney in Virginia Beach for more than a decade. After transitioning to private practice, Lorello wanted to find a way to keep serving the public and found his place with the Virginia Beach SPCA’s Board of Directors. 

“I wanted an opportunity to connect with the community through a cause that I was particularly passionate about,” said Lorello. “I wanted to reconnect with the aspects of that type of work that I found most rewarding, such as helping others. In this case: animals.”

Lorello is now an attorney with the law firm of Zoby & Broccoletti, P.C., where he specializes in criminal defense. He also lends his experience with law to aid the VBSPCA. Additionally, Lorello is passionate about spreading the word about the organization’s fundraising events and community outreach programs. 

“People generally have misconceptions about shelters in terms of the types of pets available, their demeanor, and the conditions they stay in while sheltered,” said Lorello. “I’d urge the community to visit the VBSPCA and see firsthand the level of care and comfort there, the stellar facility itself, and the amazing animals in need of homes. And then tell others, because word-of-mouth is really powerful!”

We are happy to welcome Lorello to the VBSPCA Board of Directors. It takes involvement from caring people in our community to make a difference in the lives of homeless animals!

If you are interested in serving on the Virginia Beach SPCA Board of Directors, please email derby.brackett@vbspca.com for more information.

Happy Tails | Buck

Every single animal that comes through our shelter has a story. Some are complex, many are sad, but all of them get better the minute they arrive at the Virginia Beach SPCA. When Buck arrived at our shelter this June, he had already been through a lot. The two year old Boxer mix was shot in his front right leg and had to have it amputated. When he first came to our kennel, he was understandably nervous and shy.

Right away, Buck got a lot of attention from potential adopters thanks to a widely shared Facebook post. However, he ran into more bad luck. He was briefly adopted into two different homes, but neither one was the right fit. However, Buck’s luck finally changed when he met Kim and her family. We recently caught up with Kim to get the rest of Buck’s story.

How did you find Buck?

I saw Buck on the VBSPCA Facebook page initially in July. Our dog Crosby had just passed away in April, and I was sort of teasing my husband, Danny, about how sad this little three-legged dog looked. We weren’t quite ready for a second dog, and I was about to have major surgery.

Then our dog Charlie passed the day after my surgery. I think Buck came across my Facebook feed again, and I told my husband. We didn’t think we would get another dog so soon, but Danny came home one day and said, “All I can think about is that sad little three-legged dog.” Unfortunately, the day we visited he had the maximum amount of applications. We still watched him through the kennel grate and I was in love. He went home with a family, but they brought him back for having too much energy. I was there the very next day to meet him officially.

When we met Buck, it definitely felt right! He instantly took to my son Mick. We filled out the paperwork right then and anxiously waited to bring him home. We adopted Buck on September 4, 2022.

How is Buck doing in the home?

Buck is doing well. He isn’t perfect by any means, but we expected that! He has a LOT of energy. His backyard zoomies crack me up, especially since he only has three legs! He is FAST and kind of uses his shoulder to turn. He has also learned very quickly where we keep the treats!

What sort of activities do you do together?

Buck’s favorite thing to do is snuggle. He lays on my son, Mick, while he does his homework; lays across my lap while I drink my coffee; and if you are on the couch, he wants to be as close to you as possible.

Buck loves to give kisses and will cover you with his big tongue all over. He loves to run, and watching his ears and jowls flop is probably my favorite thing. He also loves to go places and ride in the car. We have taken him to a couple breweries and restaurants and he is so well behaved! He gets all sorts of love. His foster family came to visit and it was a really special time. There were some happy tears, and he was so excited to see them!

How has Buck enriched your lives so far?

We weren’t really looking for another dog when we adopted Buck. We had lost two dogs, one to old age and one to cancer very abruptly, in the course of three months. I had also just undergone surgery for breast cancer and was about to start radiation. The last thing on my mind was looking for a dog. When my husband came home talking about Buck, it all sort of fell into place. He was exactly what we needed. I feel like we needed each other.

Why do you think people should consider adopting pets with special needs?

I think people can underestimate dogs with special needs. Just because Buck is missing a leg doesn’t mean he is just going to lay around. He can still be active and run and play. Special needs dogs have just as much love to give as fully able dogs. Sometimes they just need the right family to give that love back.

Happy Tails | Mama & Blondie

Every single animal that comes through our shelter has a story. Some are complex, many are sad, but all of them get better the minute they arrive at the Virginia Beach SPCA. Mama and Blondie are a mother-daughter duo who have spent their entire lives together. They have been surrendered to the VBSPCA twice after their previous owners could no longer care for them, most recently in December 2021. At 15 years and 12 years of age, the senior Turkish Angora cats needed a place where they could live out their retirement years together.

Mama and Blondie became favorites of our shelter staff, receiving lots of love and attention while they waited to be adopted. They made themselves at home in one of our cat colonies and ended up spending four months there. Then in April 2022, Morgan spotted them on the VBSPCA website and adopted them on Easter Sunday. We recently caught up with Morgan to get an update on this special pair.

How are Mama and Blondie doing in the home?

Mama and Blondie have adjusted to living in our home. At first they were not thrilled as we have another cat (Clover) and a dog (Ylvis), but after a few months they fit right in. Mama still likes to hide, but she has a hiding spot where we can pet her and she can nap. Blondie likes to act like she owns the place, and she has become top cat.

What sort of activities do you do together?

They don’t like doing activities. Just food and naps.

They are low maintenance cats, and this wouldn’t be our home without them. We also never forget feeding time with three cats in the house (Hey it’s like 5am and you haven’t fed me yet, are you going to get up and do that?).

Do Mama and Blondie have any funny quirks?

Mama likes getting her head scratched and she will rub her head all over our upstairs hallway. Blondie likes to paw at Clover if he starts getting annoying.

How have Mama and Blondie enriched your lives so far?

They have vibrant personalities that are entertaining. They are not cuddly (they hate being held) but they let us pet them every time they walk by.

Why do you think people should consider adopting senior pets like Mama and Blondie?

Senior cats are different: they don’t play like kittens do, and they like to nap and get loves. I have raised several kittens and older cats, especially from the SPCA/Humane Society, and they have never disappointed. People seem to avoid the older animals because of their age, but it isn’t the animals’ choice to go to the shelter. They don’t deserve to live the rest of their lives in the shelter and deserve the same amount of love that the younger ones do.

Happy Tails | Stevie

Every single animal that comes through our shelter has a story. Some are complex, many are sad, but all of them get better the minute they arrive at the Virginia Beach SPCA. Stevie and her littermate were transferred to the VBSPCA shelter all the way from Texas in June 2021. Both young puppies were terrified. Since Stevie was extremely shy and had a lot to learn about the human world, she was placed with Mallory, one of our experienced fosters. Mallory put in a lot of time and effort during Stevie’s foster period but when it was time for Stevie to be made available for adoption, Mallory couldn’t bear to part with her. Mallory and her husband, Chris, formally adopted her that September. We recently caught up with Mallory for the full story and an update on Stevie now.

Can you tell us about what Stevie was like as a foster?

Stevie wanted absolutely nothing to do with me but was enamored with Blue [a dog Mallory and Chris adopted from the VBSPCA] straight away! I think Blue was her savior. For a long time she tried to avoid us and had a little hoard of toys and a bed under the dining room table where she would run to if anyone moved at all. Slowly she started to hang around us more and take treats from us. She really just wanted to be around Blue and Darwin [their other pup], so sometimes that meant being close to Chris and me.

It took about a month for Stevie to allow us to really touch her, but she would still run and hide afterwards. I was determined not to foster fail with her because I really wanted to know that I could help a dog like her become adoptable; so even though everyone was telling me to keep her, I kept saying, “no, no, no, I don’t want three dogs right now!” When it was time for her to be put up for adoption, I was hopeful but my heart sank.

What ultimately made you decide to adopt Stevie?

There was someone interested in Stevie right away, but then they changed their minds. I was feeling really sad and anxious about giving her up, plus Blue was quite attached to her – they are still almost inseparable. My husband knew I was really upset so he emailed me from work and told me just to adopt her… he was supposed to be the one who kept me in check! On September 28, 2021, we officially adopted her!

How is Stevie doing in the home?

Stevie has become a happy life-loving puppy! It has been such a joy watching her blossom and become the dog she was meant to be. She is so hilarious and makes me laugh every day. She LOVES meeting new dogs and loves going on play dates with her BFF dogs.

She absolutely adores all of the fosters we have had since adopting her. She has very good mama dog instincts and loves playing with and taking care of puppies. She is still very unsure of new humans. When someone comes over, we always tell them that Stevie will bark at them for a couple of minutes and then ignore them completely.

What sort of activities do you and Stevie do together?

Stevie likes to play fetch and tug with me! She also enjoys sharing my pillow on the couch and watching TV (she is a huge Buffy the Vampire fan).

Stevie will never be a snuggly, attention-seeking dog but that’s ok. She likes to snuggle in the mornings and she sometimes snuggles at night when everyone is relaxing, but she mostly likes to snuggle Blue or hang out by herself.

Does Stevie have any funny quirks?

Stevie loves to be dirty; we call her our dirtball princess! She is a treasure and I will never regret our decision to adopt her.

Why do you think people should consider adopting a shelter pet?

Easy, they are the best!! I think we kind of have a responsibility to help them if we have the ability. Shelter dogs come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities, so there is truly a dog for everyone somewhere within the rescue community. It is also very satisfying to watch them blossom and become the dog they might not have been able to become without you. The love of a shelter dog is just so immense and beautiful, there is nothing else like it! I have also made very good human friends within the rescue/foster community because it’s a great way to bond with people who have the same moral interests. I promise you won’t regret giving a shelter pet a second chance at life! If you are not ready for the full time commitment, I highly recommend fostering.

Happy Tails | Midge

Every single animal that comes through our shelter has a story. Some are complex, many are sad, but all of them get better the minute they arrive at the Virginia Beach SPCA. In May 2021, Midge was transferred to the VBSPCA by another animal shelter as a tiny kitten. She was placed in a foster home until she was healthy and strong enough for the adoption process. It was right around that time that Jon and Diana decided to visit the shelter. We recently caught up with Diana to get Midge’s full adoption story.

When did you adopt Midge?

July 22, 2021

How did you find Midge?

Jon wanted a kitten and searched and searched. He would find one but POOF! it would get snapped up very quickly (as so many kittens do.) So he decided to just pop in to the VBSPCA for a visit and check things out in person. And there was Midge.

How is Midge doing in the home?

Wonderfully!!!! She made herself right at home immediately (despite the fact that there were already 2 adult, female cats in our home) and she’s ruled the roost ever since.

What sort of activities do you and Midge do together?

Everything! She loves to “supervise” our cooking and cleaning and doing the laundry. She helps Jon feed our birds every morning. And she always helps scoop poop.

How has Midge enriched your lives so far?

Jon was diagnosed with cancer in March 2021 and Midge helped keep his spirits up through chemotherapy. [A happy update: Jon is now cancer free!] She’s funny and sweet and fearless and fun and makes us laugh throughout each and every day. Midge has even managed to bring our other two cats out of their shells – we’ve seen a dramatic change in their activity levels. They actually play now! Midge makes friends with everyone who walks through our door and we’ve even taken her on play dates with friends’ and family’s cats!

Does Midge have any funny quirks?

Known as “Midge The Mighty Kibble Hunter”, Midge “hunts” her kibble. She won’t just stand at the bowl and eat it straight from it. Nope…she stalks the bowl and digs out one piece at a time sending it skittering across the kitchen floor. Then she chases it down and pounces on it. Sometimes she sends it under the rug and then stalks it and chases it. As soon as she eats her “kill” she starts the hunting process all over again with another, single piece of kibble.

She also hunts bugs like no other – no matter how small or fast, if there’s a bug of any sort within a mile of Midge it’s a goner.

And any bag, no matter the size or shape – and this includes ladies’ purses – will get investigated by her. During Jon’s treatment, nurses would come to the house for post-surgery visits, and Midge would crawl in their purses and backpacks.

Why do you think people should consider adopting a shelter pet?

By taking home your new pet, you also make room at the shelter for another animal with nowhere else to go.

Happy Tails | Arlo

Every single animal that comes through our shelter has a story. Some are complex, many are sad, but all of them get better the minute they arrive at the Virginia Beach SPCA. Arlo arrived at the VBSPCA in December 2021 when his previous owners moved and could not take him with them. Just a few days later, Ali and her husband, Steve, stopped by the shelter in hopes of adopting a dog. When they saw the two year old Basset Hound heading out for a walk, they knew they had to meet him. As Ali says, “Bassets in general are hard to resist!” We recently caught up with Ali, who filled us in on how things are going from Arlo’s perspective as well!

How is Arlo doing in the home?

Arlo is fantastic at home! His first few nights were a bit bumpy as he needed reassurance that we were still there when he would wake up at 2am or so, but he had only one accident and settled into a routine very quickly. We are lucky to have a fenced-in backyard, and he spends lots of time roaming and following the smells of squirrels that run all over our yard.

What sort of activities do you and Arlo do together?

Arlo loves other dogs and is amazing at matching energy levels of all kinds and ages. This means we try and take him everywhere. We especially love the farmers market, where he always grabs attention and pets from every being willing to say hi.

Does Arlo have any funny quirks?

One of Arlo’s silliest traits is looking up at you over his back. He doesn’t turn his head, he just lifts his chin until he’s looking at you upside down. All his Basset wrinkles fall the other direction and it must feel good or funny to him – he does it so often. He is also very true to his breed: when he catches a scent, he barks at the ground to alert us. He doesn’t bark when we get home or for much else, but we know when he’s got a smell trail to follow.

How has Arlo enriched your lives so far?

It’s truly like Arlo has been with us his whole life. He just fit right into our routines and loves to be right next to us wherever we go. He is a great pick-me-up on a stressful day and makes me get up from my desk and go outside, even if it’s just for a minute. Dear friends of ours recently lost their 14 year old Pitbull and we were hit pretty hard by it. But Arlo helped their dog play a bit more in her last few months and enjoy her toys again. He has provided us all unconditional love to heal from the recently stressful times and keeps us social, even if we don’t really want to be.

Why do you think people should consider adopting a shelter pet?

Arlo isn’t our first rescue and every pet comes with their own personality and traits to adjust to, but each time it feels like they know you rescued them. They are grateful and know that you just want to love them. There is a pet for every lifestyle – talk to the staff about personalities, know what traits you don’t think you can handle, but most of all stay open to considering the unexpected. Treat the pet well and you will receive more than you expected in return.

A note from Arlo:

My parents really needed me. They needed someone to get them outside, to play more, and to bring more joy to every day! When my new friend (the 14 year old Pitbull mentioned above) passed away, I cuddled everyone as much as I possibly could. They needed all the hugs I could give. Also, who was going to protect the backyard?!

Shelter pets are the coolest – you choose us and we choose you back! We may take time to warm up to you, but once we know we’re there to stay, we’ll love you forever!

Tail Talk | What Your Pet is Telling You

While our pets cannot talk, they can communicate a lot through their body language. A dog or cat’s tail is an especially important tool to convey how they are feeling. By paying attention to your furry friend’s tail, you can easily tell whether they’re up for playing and meeting new people or instead need some space or reassurance. Read more below and click here for a printable version of our infographic.

Cat Tail Language

  • Upright Tail: Your cat is feeling confident, alert, and friendly. If the tip of their tail twitches when it is straight up in the air, your feline is feeling particularly happy.
  • Swishing Slowly: If your cat is moving their tail slowly from side to side, it means he is focused on an object such as a toy. They’ll likely pounce on that item!
  • Whipping Tail: A cat that is whipping their tail back and forth is agitated. You should consider this a warning to stay away.
  • Puffy Tail: Cats puff up their tails when they are afraid. By raising their fur, they are making themselves look bigger to scare off whatever is making them fearful.
  • Pulled Close: Another indicator of fear is when a cat pulls their tail closely into their body or wraps it around their feet.

Dog Tail Language

  • Wagging Loosely: When a dog is wagging their tail loosely from side to side or in a circular motion, they are relaxed, friendly, and happy. The tail is typically held in a neutral position.
  • Straight Out: If a dog is holding their tail horizontally behind them, they are attentive and curious. Hunting breeds also hold their tails this way when they are pointing out an animal or object.
  • Vertical Wag: If your dog’s tail is straight up with quick, small wags, your dog is alert and may be feeling aggressive or threatened. Give them space, especially if this type of wagging is paired with raised fur on their back and/or tail, staring, growling, lunging, or barking.
  • Tucked Tail: Your dog is afraid. Tucking the tail is one of the ways dogs try to make themselves smaller when they feel threatened.

It is extremely important not to ignore what your pet is trying to tell you through his tail or other body language. Never punish your pet for giving warning signs that they are agitated or afraid. Paying close attention to their communication methods like tail language and growling is essential to preventing animal bites!