
2022 New Year’s Message from Our CEO

It is hard to believe that 2022 is here. 2021 was one heck of a year…one on the tails of the tumultuous year that was 2020. As I sit here with my mask still in place, there has been a pervasive feeling of deja vu – the deja vu of continued pandemic challenges, but also the deja vu of perseverance and optimism. We have continued to serve our mission at the highest level – even with the current day challenges. In 2021, we were even stronger than we were in 2020, and the diligence of our collective and collaborative efforts shows in our service to the 2,304 adopted animals in our shelter and over 12,000 appointments in our clinic. My team’s hard work is evident in our ability to continue to deliver humane education to over 2,500 children despite the cancellation of our in-person programs. Our collaboration is evident in our involvement with 206 adult volunteers, our team of 192 foster families, and our ability to provide second chances to the 1,113 transfer animals who found hope at the VBSPCA. Animal welfare is an exhausting field with never-ending need for care, but those of us that choose this work wouldn’t change our path for anything. Because we matter.

We matter because the animals matter. The community needs our resources to help complete their families with deserving pets. The community needs our help to manage the relationships with their pets and to provide necessary medical care for their pets. The link that we have with pet owners begins with adoption or the first clinic appointment, yet our support extends far beyond that and through the lifetime of the animal as needed. We are here every day working together – because you matter.

You matter as you are the connection in the community for the animals in our care. Adopter, clinic client, donor, shelter or rescue partner, volunteer… you all come together to build the network of solutions that serve to deliver our mission of ending animal homelessness. You matter because the challenges of today’s world can seem endless and holding the lives of our animals dear becomes even more important. With the support of our community, we have been able to continue in our mission of compassion and creating the precious animal-human bonds that lift our spirits, bringing us true joy and unconditional love.

As we embark on the year ahead, we walk in step with our mission and vision. And we take you with us as a member of our extended family of care. Looking into the endless depths of a hound’s eyes or listening to the subtle purr of a cuddling kitten tells us all what we already know. We matter. They matter. You matter. The hard work we do together will always matter.

Thanks for being here for me, my staff, and most of all, the animals. I look forward to a brighter year ahead, a year that will be fueled by perseverance, patience, and – as always – compassion.

Cheers to being in continued service to the animals of our community.
