Every single animal that comes through our shelter has a story. Some are complex, many are sad, but all of them get better the minute they arrive at the Virginia Beach SPCA. Poppy and her five young kittens were transferred to the VBSPCA from another local shelter in May 2022. The feline family was placed in a foster home until Poppy was finished with her motherly duties. Poppy was a little shy when she arrived at the shelter for the adoption process, but it didn’t take long for Ashlyn and her boyfriend, Tanner, to notice her. We recently caught up with Ashlyn to hear the rest of Poppy’s adoption story.
When did you adopt Poppy?
We adopted Poppy on June 24, 2022.
How did you know Poppy was the one for you?
We had a long conversation about adopting a cat. Tanner has always been a cat person, and we talked a lot about the benefits of bringing another pet into our home. When we walked through the VBSPCA, Tanner encouraged us to take a look at the older cats as opposed to the kittens. Poppy immediately caught our eye. I insisted that I wanted an orange cat, and she was absolutely perfect.
How is Poppy doing in the home?
Poppy has adjusted beautifully to our home. Within her first week, she was roaming freely without fear, which made us so incredibly happy. Aurora, her Goldendoodle sister, has been obsessed with her since the moment we brought her through the door, and Poppy returns the love.
Her personality is really shining through. I never knew cats wanted to play so very much. She has a favorite toy that she is always herding us towards. When she’s not playing with her favorite toy, she entertains herself by running back and forth throughout the house – oftentimes accompanied by her sister.
Does Poppy have any funny quirks?
She finds the most interesting places to take a nap. Currently, as we have been decorating for the holidays, her new favorite napping spot is right on top of the ornament box.
How has Poppy enriched your lives so far?
Poppy has brought so much love and joy into our lives. Having her jump up into your lap to snuggle down makes you feel like the most special person in the world. Seeing her in her life now, it is hard to imagine the tough start she had. The tiny, young mama that we first brought home is almost unrecognizable to us now.
Poppy brings so much to our family and we truly feel complete. We are constantly thankful that she caught our eye that day in the shelter. As timid as she seemed initially, we knew immediately that she needed to come home with us. She is a forever member of our family and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Why do you think people should consider adopting a shelter pet?
Shelter pets quickly become your pet. They become a part of your family. If you’re considering adopting a pet, I strongly encourage you to just walk through the shelter and take a look. I can guarantee that you will find your new family member here.

Posted: December 13, 2022 by vbspcaadmin
Happy Tails | Poppy
Every single animal that comes through our shelter has a story. Some are complex, many are sad, but all of them get better the minute they arrive at the Virginia Beach SPCA. Poppy and her five young kittens were transferred to the VBSPCA from another local shelter in May 2022. The feline family was placed in a foster home until Poppy was finished with her motherly duties. Poppy was a little shy when she arrived at the shelter for the adoption process, but it didn’t take long for Ashlyn and her boyfriend, Tanner, to notice her. We recently caught up with Ashlyn to hear the rest of Poppy’s adoption story.
When did you adopt Poppy?
We adopted Poppy on June 24, 2022.
How did you know Poppy was the one for you?
We had a long conversation about adopting a cat. Tanner has always been a cat person, and we talked a lot about the benefits of bringing another pet into our home. When we walked through the VBSPCA, Tanner encouraged us to take a look at the older cats as opposed to the kittens. Poppy immediately caught our eye. I insisted that I wanted an orange cat, and she was absolutely perfect.
How is Poppy doing in the home?
Her personality is really shining through. I never knew cats wanted to play so very much. She has a favorite toy that she is always herding us towards. When she’s not playing with her favorite toy, she entertains herself by running back and forth throughout the house – oftentimes accompanied by her sister.
Does Poppy have any funny quirks?
She finds the most interesting places to take a nap. Currently, as we have been decorating for the holidays, her new favorite napping spot is right on top of the ornament box.
How has Poppy enriched your lives so far?
Poppy brings so much to our family and we truly feel complete. We are constantly thankful that she caught our eye that day in the shelter. As timid as she seemed initially, we knew immediately that she needed to come home with us. She is a forever member of our family and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Why do you think people should consider adopting a shelter pet?
Shelter pets quickly become your pet. They become a part of your family. If you’re considering adopting a pet, I strongly encourage you to just walk through the shelter and take a look. I can guarantee that you will find your new family member here.

Category: VBSPCA News
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