
Happy Tails | Alanna

Every single animal that comes through our shelter has a story. Some are complex, many are sad, but all of them get better the minute they arrive at the Virginia Beach SPCA. Alanna was transferred to the VBSPCA in October 2022 from one of our local animal shelters as a young kitten. She was placed into one of our foster homes until she was healthy and strong enough for the adoption process. Aside from her time with her foster family, Alanna hadn’t had much interaction with humans and was very shy. Because of this, she wasn’t adopted out as quickly as some of the more social kittens.

However, Alanna’s status of longest kitten resident pulled at the heartstrings of one family. Sandy and her family adopted her in December. We recently caught up with Sandy to get an update on how Alanna is doing now.

How is Alanna doing in the home?

Alanna has adjusted beautifully to her new indoor lifestyle. We gave her some space in the beginning, allowing her time to explore the house and get used to her fellow rescue kitty, Elvira.

What sort of activities do you do together?

She loves to cuddle up to me in bed. Her happy purrs make my heart glow! I have a kitty pouch that she loves to lie in while we ride around in my power chair. Alanna likes to hang out with me in the kitchen. She and Elvira act as “quality control”, taste-testing what they are allowed.

Do you have any funny stories to share from your time together?

Watching her relationship with Elvira evolve has been quite amusing! It was a bit adversarial in the beginning, but then Elvira began to teach Alanna, who proved to be a very adept student. Now, she stalks Elvira, rushing out from under the sofa and stopping right in front of her. They touch noses as if to say “Tag! You’re it!”. Then Alanna runs away with Ellie hot on her heels!

How has Alanna enriched your lives so far?

There aren’t enough words to describe how happy she has made me AND my husband. He’s the only male in the house, so that makes him the Alpha of the “pride”. It’s quite funny! Alanna is our baby and we adore her!

Why do you think people should consider adopting a shelter pet?

Shelter pets are different. They all have stories; some good and some not. They crave love, attention and physical contact with someone they can trust not to let them down. I wish I could adopt them all! Shelter pets give unconditional love.