

The Virginia Beach SPCA provides a number of services to the Hampton Roads community geared toward decreasing animal suffering while increasing human compassion.

VBSPCA Public Veterinary Clinic
The Virginia Beach SPCA veterinary clinic provides low cost services to families with annual incomes less than $65,000; active duty military members, reservists, and their dependents; and first responders. The mobile Neuter Scooter expands the VBSPCA reach by providing spay/neuter services throughout Hampton Roads. For information on our clinic, click here.

Pet Pantry
The Virginia Beach SPCA Pet Pantry provides dog and cat food to families experiencing economic hardship. For information, click here.

Behavior Support Line
If you are experiencing challenges with any of your pet’s behavior, the Virginia Beach SPCA has a support line to help. For information, click here.

Surrender Your Pet
The Virginia Beach SPCA accepts owner relinquishments of pets, and our team is dedicated to finding new, loving homes for them. This can be a difficult process, and our staff is here to help you through it. For more information on surrendering your pet, click here.

The Virginia Beach SPCA routinely accepts transfers from other animal shelters and rescue groups in effort to provide better chances of adoption for animals in need. For more information on working with the VBSPCA on a transfer, click the here.