
Every 60 seconds, an animal suffers abuse.

Bandit arrived at the Virginia Beach SPCA after what we can only assume was a life of pain, hardship, and – yes – cruelty.  At just over a year old, he was scared and cautious with even the kindest of humans. Bandit’s life had been filled with fear, and we know that this is all too common for so many animals in our world. Every 60 seconds an animal suffers abuse, and close to 65% of all abused animals are dogs. It is a horrific truth that exists in our world, and you can help. Your support provides a place for animals to go when they need hope, compassion, and a second chance. Thanks to our community of support, Bandit had a place to go where his pain would end and his future began. Bandit was adopted after a month at the Virginia Beach SPCA, and he is now living in a happy, loving, fear-free home.

For more information and statistics, click here. 

Will you take action to stand for animals like Bandit?

DONATE by completing the form at the bottom of this page.
ADVOCATE by giving a voice to the voiceless
REPORT cruelty by alerting your local Animal Control. Here are some common signs of cruelty:

  • Ongoing injury or illness that isn’t being treated
  • Extremely thin — bones may be visible
  • Weakness, limping, or inability to stand or walk normally
  • Fearful behavior when approached by owner
  • Heavy discharge from eyes or nose
  • Pets are tied up outside during extreme weather conditions
  • Lacking adequate food or water
  • No access to adequate shelter

If you suspect animal abuse, please report it Virginia Beach Animal Control (757)385-4444.

Take a stand for animals like Bandit. Your gift today will ensure continued care for animals who need your help.