
Happy Tails | Simba

Every single animal that comes through our shelter has a story. Some are complex, many are sad, but all of them get better the minute they arrive at the Virginia Beach SPCA. Dani was volunteering at the VBSPCA one day when she first met Simba. He was a former stray puppy who had traveled a hard road from a public shelter in Louisiana to the VBSPCA. Dani knew that with some love and support this undersocialized dog would make a perfect addition to her family.

That was nearly 11 years ago, but Simba is still going strong in his golden years. We recently caught up with Dani to see how Simba has made the most of his second chance.

When did you adopt Simba?

May 2014.

How did you know Simba was the one for you?

I was volunteering at the VBSPCA doing laundry the day I first saw him. A few people had shown interest in him but didn’t pursue adopting him. He was a transfer from a shelter in Louisiana, where he had come in as a stray puppy, and wasn’t used to people. I love helping animals from challenging backgrounds because every animal deserves love and patience. I had Nala – a Shar Pei mix rescue who had moved to Virginia Beach with me – and knew Simba would make a great addition to our pack.

How is Simba doing in the home?

At first, he was scared of people and wanted to be free. Trying to walk him on a leash was like trying to walk a deer. But with a lot of socialization, love, and patience, Simba eventually began to thrive! Nala was his other half. She showed him the ropes and helped him come out of his shell. They were best friends until Nala passed away at 11 in 2023. Simba is now an old man and will turn 12 in October. It’s now me, Simba, and Raven, who I adopted in 2019.

What sort of activities do you do together?

He goes on multiple walks a day and loves meeting new people now! He’s gone on adventures with his fur-siblings throughout Virginia and out of state. About two years ago, we started a bucket list of 39 things to do, and we’ve checked off 16 things so far! This includes going to the Chinese Lantern Festival, watching the solar eclipse, and having his own photoshoot.

Also, Simba loves to play hide and seek around the house. We’ve played that game since he was a puppy, and he is good at finding me every time! 

Does Simba have any funny quirks or do you have any funny stories to share from your time together?

Simba will randomly flop down anywhere to roll around on his back. It can be in some cozy grass, the sand, or even on the pavement while crossing the street. People will always laugh and ask if he’s throwing a tantrum because he’ll just randomly stop and flop over – especially when he doesn’t want to leave a place or walk somewhere. He’s been doing this since he was a puppy and still does it at his old age now!

My elderly neighbor carries treats in his pocket and in his truck. Whenever he sees my pack and me walking, he’ll stop or drive by to give them treats. Simba can spot my neighbor from down the street and will stop walking and start crying until he gets his daily treat. He’s come a LONG way from being the stray puppy who avoided people and never wanted to be touched!

How has Simba enriched your life? 

Simba is chill, low-key, and slow-paced, and he’s taught me to take life slower and enjoy the little things. His happiness over small things and the way he’s unbothered by pretty much everything reminds me to stop and smell the roses and enjoy the little things in life. Our time together over the past 10 years has been amazing, and his silly personality always makes me laugh. 

You know that saying “who rescued whom?” I 100% believe that to be true. Simba has made my life better in more ways that I can put into words! I still remember the day that I saw his scared little face in the kennel for the first time. He is so spunky, sassy, loving, and funny, and he brings such a beautiful joy to my life. He has been the best brother to Nala and Raven, and I can’t imagine my life without him. His adventures will continue through his bucket list, which keeps growing, and he’ll continue to bring joy to my life and all those who meet Simba aka Mr. Man aka Bubbey aka Sim Sim. Thank you, VBSPCA for saving his life back in 2014 by transferring him to your shelter! I’m grateful that you did and thankful he’s in my life!