There is a saying: like father, like son. In Scott Taylor’s case, that is especially true when it comes to his love of animals. From watching his father do much of the heavy lifting when caring for childhood pets to seeing his dad save ducklings from natural predators, Scott fondly remembers the compassion that both of his parents demonstrated to animals throughout the years.
Just one visit to the Virginia Beach SPCA fueled Scott’s own compassion, sparking more than a decade of service to homeless animals in Hampton Roads. He was invited for a tour and instantly agreed to join the Board of Directors. “After understanding the impact animals receive by the unbelievable people it takes to support the organization’s operations, I knew I had to get involved,” explains Scott.
Scott’s enthusiasm quickly spread to his wife, Katie, whose connection with animals began with her own childhood pets: ferrets and Doberman Pinschers. “Scott’s dedication to the animals and all involved at the VBSPCA inspires you to be active, help where you can, and do anything to support [the organization],” says Katie. “My compassion has only grown through the years.”
Since then, the Taylors have been constant champions of the organization. Their years of dedication to the animals will be honored with the 2023 Compassion Award, which will be presented to Scott and Katie at the VBSPCA Wags and Whiskers Gala on April 29, 2023.
On a personal level, Scott and Katie have sponsored, chaired, or volunteered at countless VBSPCA events over the years. The Taylors have also found ways for their businesses to support the organization. In addition to Taylor Construction’s longtime financial support as an Annual Partner, the company has helped out with facility projects. VA Valet is a staple at VBSPCA events, volunteering its valet and parking management services.
But perhaps the Taylors’ most meaningful connection to the VBSPCA is evident in their own home. “Katie and I have two amazing felines – Liv and Penny – who are loved by our family, friends, and colleagues as the ‘cool cats’ that have converted many of those who ‘only like dogs’,” says Scott. Katie adds, “It is hard to put into words the joy that animals and especially our two girls bring to me. There is love like no other from a pet, and we are all lucky to have them in our lives.”
When the Taylors found out they were the recipients of the 2023 Compassion Award, both described feeling humbled. Scott’s response clearly reflected the spirit of the honor: “When we are blessed with talents, time, and treasures, we are expected to benefit others – both human and companion animals.”
“Pets teach us important lessons. Responsibility, unconditional love, companionship, and compassion, just to name a few. Pets are some of our best friends, they always keep our secrets, they lower our stress level (most of the time), and they care for us as much as we care for them.” – Scott Taylor
Last Updated: March 14, 2023 by vbspcaadmin
2023 VBSPCA Compassion Award Recipients: Scott and Katie Taylor
There is a saying: like father, like son. In Scott Taylor’s case, that is especially true when it comes to his love of animals. From watching his father do much of the heavy lifting when caring for childhood pets to seeing his dad save ducklings from natural predators, Scott fondly remembers the compassion that both of his parents demonstrated to animals throughout the years.
Just one visit to the Virginia Beach SPCA fueled Scott’s own compassion, sparking more than a decade of service to homeless animals in Hampton Roads. He was invited for a tour and instantly agreed to join the Board of Directors. “After understanding the impact animals receive by the unbelievable people it takes to support the organization’s operations, I knew I had to get involved,” explains Scott.
Scott’s enthusiasm quickly spread to his wife, Katie, whose connection with animals began with her own childhood pets: ferrets and Doberman Pinschers. “Scott’s dedication to the animals and all involved at the VBSPCA inspires you to be active, help where you can, and do anything to support [the organization],” says Katie. “My compassion has only grown through the years.”
Since then, the Taylors have been constant champions of the organization. Their years of dedication to the animals will be honored with the 2023 Compassion Award, which will be presented to Scott and Katie at the VBSPCA Wags and Whiskers Gala on April 29, 2023.
On a personal level, Scott and Katie have sponsored, chaired, or volunteered at countless VBSPCA events over the years. The Taylors have also found ways for their businesses to support the organization. In addition to Taylor Construction’s longtime financial support as an Annual Partner, the company has helped out with facility projects. VA Valet is a staple at VBSPCA events, volunteering its valet and parking management services.
But perhaps the Taylors’ most meaningful connection to the VBSPCA is evident in their own home. “Katie and I have two amazing felines – Liv and Penny – who are loved by our family, friends, and colleagues as the ‘cool cats’ that have converted many of those who ‘only like dogs’,” says Scott. Katie adds, “It is hard to put into words the joy that animals and especially our two girls bring to me. There is love like no other from a pet, and we are all lucky to have them in our lives.”
When the Taylors found out they were the recipients of the 2023 Compassion Award, both described feeling humbled. Scott’s response clearly reflected the spirit of the honor: “When we are blessed with talents, time, and treasures, we are expected to benefit others – both human and companion animals.”
“Pets teach us important lessons. Responsibility, unconditional love, companionship, and compassion, just to name a few. Pets are some of our best friends, they always keep our secrets, they lower our stress level (most of the time), and they care for us as much as we care for them.” – Scott Taylor
Category: VBSPCA News
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